— Binary packets#
This module contains all the facilities to deal with binary packet data—by packet we mean one piece one unit of binary data, and a packet can typically be imagined as the elementary unit of information outputted by the hardware that is seen from the DAQ side, containing one (in the simplest case) or more events.
The module provides the AbstractPacket
abstract class as a base for all the packet classes. Subclass should implement
the following interfaces
property, returning the underlying binary buffer (typically abytes
property, i.e., a tuple of string with the names of all the fields that have to be extracted from the data when a class instance is unpacked;the
dunder method, returning the size of the data in bytes;the
dunder method, that makes the class iterable;a
method, packing all the fields into the corresponding data;an
method, unpacking the data into the corresponding fields, with the understanding thatpack()
should be guardanteed to roundtrip.
From a DAQ standpoint, the main use of concrete packet classes should be something along the lines of
>>> packet = Packet.unpack(data)
That is: you have a piece of binary data from the hardware, you know the layout of the packet, you can unpack it in the form a useful data structure that is easy to work with, plot, write to file, and alike.
Being able to go the other way around (i.e., initialize a packet from its fields)
is useful from a testing standpoint, and that is the very reason for provinding the
interface, that does things in this direction.
We have not put much thought, yet, into support for variable-size packets, and
the interfaces might change as we actually implement and use them. At this time
the user should feel comfortable in using the
class and the associated packetclass
In addition, the AbstractPacket
placeholders for helping redirecting packet buffers to text sink. More specifically:
is meant to return a sensible header for a text output file containing packets;to_text()
is meant to provide a sensible text representation of the single packet, appropriate to write the packet to disk.
Fixed-size packets#
In its simplest incarnation, a packet is just a simple set of number packed in binary
format with a well-defined layout and with a fixed size. This module provides the
decorator and the
base class
to define concrete fixed-size packet structures.
The packetclass
decorator is loosely inspired
by the Python dataclass
decorator, and what it does is essentially providing
a class constructor based on class annotations. The basic contract is that for any
annotation in the form of
>>> field_name: Format
a new attribute with the given field_name
is added to the class, with the
specifying the type of the field
in the packet layout, according to the rules in the Python
If the format charater is not supported, a ValueError
is raised.
Additionally, if a value is provided to the class annotation
>>> field_name: format_char = value
the value of the corresponding attribute is checked at runtime, and a
exception is
raised if the two do not match. (This is useful, e.g., when a packet has a fixed
header that need to be checked within the event loop.)
Finally, a layout
class attribute can be optionally specified to control the
byte order, size and alignment of the packet, according to the
If no layout is specified, @
(native order and size) is assumed.
If the layout character is not supported a ValueError
is raised.
The FixedSizePacketBasePacket
base class
complement the decorator and implements the protocol defined by the
abstract class. For instance,
the following snippet
class Trigger(FixedSizePacketBase):
layout = Layout.BIG_ENDIAN
header: Format.UNSIGNED_CHAR = 0xff
pin_number: Format.UNSIGNED_CHAR
timestamp: Format.UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG
defines a fully fledged packet class with three fields (big endian, standard size),
where the header is required to be 0xff
(this is automatically checked at
runtime) and that can be used as advertised:
>>> packet = Trigger(0xff, 1, 15426782)
>>> print(packet)
>>> Trigger(header=255, pin_number=1, timestamp=15426782,
>>> data=b'\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xebd\xde', _format=>BBQ)
>>> print(len(packet))
>>> 10
>>> print(isinstance(packet, AbstractPacket))
>>> True
(you will notice that when you create a packet from the constructor, the binary
representation is automatically calculated using the pack()
And, of course, in real life (as opposed to unit-testing) you will almost always find yourself unpacking things, i.e.,
>>> packet = Trigger.unpack(b'\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xebd\xde')
>>> print(packet)
>>> Trigger(header=255, pin_number=1, timestamp=15426782,
>>> data=b'\xff\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xebd\xde', _format=>BBQ)
(i.e., you have binary data from your hardware, and you can seamlessly turned into a useful data structure that you can interact with.)
Packet objects defined in this way are as frozen as Python allows—you can’t modify the values of the basic underlying fields once an instance has been created
>>> packet.pin_number = 0
>>> AttributeError: Cannot modify Trigger.pin_number'
and this is done with the goal of preserving the correspondence between the binary paylod and the unpacked field values at runtime.
You can define new fields, though, and the AbstractPacket
protocol, just as
plain Python dataclasses
, provides a __post_init__()
hook which is called
at the end of the constructor (and is doing nothing by default). This is useful,
e.g., for converting digitized values into the corresponding physical values.
Say, for instance, that the timestamp
in our simple Trigger
class is the
the number of microseconds since the last reset latched with an onboard counter, and
we want to convert them to seconds. This can be achieved by something along the
lines of
class Trigger(FixedSizePacketBase):
layout = Layout.BIG_ENDIAN
header: Format.UNSIGNED_CHAR = 0xff
pin_number: Format.UNSIGNED_CHAR
microseconds: Format.UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG
def __post_init__(self):
self.seconds = self.microseconds / 1000000
with the understanding that
>>> packet = Trigger(0xff, 1, 15426782)
>>> print(packet.seconds)
>>> 15.426782
Note the FixedSizePacketBasePacket
base class provides a sensible implementation of the
hooks, although
in practical situations one is often better off re-implementing them for the
specific application at hand.
Reading packet files#
In order to ease the packet I/O, the module provides a
class to interface with binary
files containing packets. The open()
method supports the context manager protocol, and the class itself supports the
iterator protocol. The basic use semantics is
>>> with PacketFile(PacketClass).open(file_path) as input_file:
>>> for packet in input_file:
>>> print(packet)
For application where a given post-processing requires to put in memory all
the packets in the file (e.g., when it is necessary to combine adjacent packets
in more complex, high-level quantities), the
method is provided.
(It goes without saying, this comes with all the caveats of putting a potentially
large amount of information in memory.)
Module documentation#
Binary data packet utilities.
- class baldaquin.pkt.Format(value)[source]#
Enum class encapsulating the supporte format characters from
- PAD_BTYE = 'x'#
- CHAR = 'c'#
- SIGNED_CHAR = 'b'#
- BOOL = '?'#
- SHORT = 'h'#
- INT = 'i'#
- LONG = 'l'#
- LONG_LONG = 'q'#
- SSIZE_T = 'n'#
- SIZE_T = 'N'#
- FLOAT = 'f'#
- DOUBLE = 'd'#
- class baldaquin.pkt.Layout(value)[source]#
Enum class encapsulating the supported layout characters from
- NATIVE_SIZE = '@'#
- NATIVE = '='#
- BIG_ENDIAN = '>'#
- NETWORK = '!'#
- DEFAULT = '@'#
- class baldaquin.pkt.Edge(value)[source]#
Small Enum class encapsulating the edge type of a transition on a digital line.
- RISING = 1#
- FALLING = 0#
- class baldaquin.pkt.AbstractPacket[source]#
Abstract base class for binary packets.
- abstract property data: bytes#
Return the packet binary data.
- abstract property fields: tuple#
Return the packet fields.
- abstract classmethod unpack(data: bytes)[source]#
Unpack the binary data into the corresponding field values.
- _format_attributes(attrs: tuple[str], fmts: tuple[str] | None = None) tuple[str] [source]#
Helper function to join a given set of class attributes in a properly formatted string.
This is used, most notably, in the
hook below, which in turn is used in the various__repr__()
implementations, and in theto_text()
implementations in sub-classes.- Parameters:
attrs (tuple) – The names of the class attributes we want to include in the representation.
fmts (tuple, optional) – If present determines the formatting of the given attributes.
- _text(attrs: tuple[str], fmts: tuple[str], separator: str) str [source]#
Helper function for text formatting.
Note the output includes a trailing endline.
- Parameters:
attrs (tuple) – The names of the class attributes we want to include in the representation.
fmts (tuple,) – Determines the formatting of the given attributes.
separator (str) – The separator between different fields.
- _repr(attrs: tuple[str], fmts: tuple[str] | None = None) str [source]#
Helper function to provide sensible string formatting for the packets.
The basic idea is that concrete classes would use this to implement their __repr__() and/or __str__() special dunder methods.
- Parameters:
attrs (tuple) – The names of the class attributes we want to include in the representation.
fmts (tuple, optional) – If present determines the formatting of the given attributes.
- static text_header(prefix: str, creator: str | None = None) str [source]#
Hook that subclasses can overload to provide a sensible header for an output text file.
- Parameters:
prefix (str) – The prefix to be prepended to each line to signal that that line is a comment and contains no data.
creator (str, optional) – An optional string indicating the application that created the file.
- to_text(separator: str) str [source]#
Hook that subclasses can overload to provide a text representation of the buffer to be written in an output text file.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- exception baldaquin.pkt.FieldMismatchError(cls: type, field: str, expected: int, actual: int)[source]#
RuntimeError subclass to signal a field mismatch in a data structure.
- baldaquin.pkt._class_annotations(cls) dict [source]#
Small convienience function to retrieve the class annotations.
Note that, in order to support inheritance of @packetclasses, we do iterate over all the ancestors of the class at hand, starting from
, and collect all the annotations along the way. The iteration is in reverse order, so that the final order of annotations is what one would expect.The try/except clause is needed because in Python 3.7 cls.__annotations__ is not defined when a class has no annotations, while in subsequent Python versions an empty dictionary is returned, instead.
- baldaquin.pkt._check_format_characters(cls: type) None [source]#
Check that all the format characters in the class annotations are valid.
- baldaquin.pkt._check_layout_character(cls: type) None [source]#
Check that the class layout character is valid.
- baldaquin.pkt.packetclass(cls: type) type [source]#
Simple decorator to support automatic generation of fixed-length packet classes.
- class baldaquin.pkt.FixedSizePacketBase(*args, data: bytes | None = None)[source]#
Class describing a packet with fixed size.
- _fields = ()#
- _format = '@'#
- size = 0#
- _data = None#
- property data: bytes#
Return the packet binary data.
- property fields: tuple#
Return the packet fields.
- classmethod unpack(data: bytes) AbstractPacket [source]#
Unpack the binary data into the corresponding field values.
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
- layout = '@'#
- class baldaquin.pkt.PacketFile(packet_class: type)[source]#
Class describing a binary file containing packets.
- read_all() tuple[FixedSizePacketBase] [source]#
Read in memory all the packets in the file.
This is meant to support postprocessing applications where one needs all the packets in memory at the same time. Use it cum grano salis.
- class baldaquin.pkt.PacketStatistics(packets_processed: int = 0, packets_written: int = 0, bytes_written: int = 0)[source]#
Small container class helping with the event handler bookkeeping.
- packets_processed: int = 0#
- packets_written: int = 0#
- bytes_written: int = 0#
- update(packets_processed, packets_written, bytes_written) None [source]#
Update the event statistics.
- classmethod from_dict(**kwargs) PacketStatistics [source]#