
Here is a few semi-random notes about the baldaquin development, which might be useful for advanced users and people willing to contribute to the package.

For reference, here is a good resource, and one that we have borrowed from a lot—happy reading.

Python installation#

Making sure that a given piece of code works across different Python version is not completely trivial. (At the time of writing, e.g., we test against Python 3.7 and 3.13 in our continuos integration, but from time to time it is handy to be able to switch between Python versions locally, too.)

pyenv is a beautiful version management system that lets you just do that. (The github README covers the installation and setup.) The basic idea is that, once you have pyenv up and running, you can install multiple version of Python, e.g.

pyenv install 3.7
pyenv install 3.13

and then seamlessly switch between them

pyenv shell 3.13


Three different setup scripts are provided in order to facilitate code development—all of them essentially prepends the package root folder to the $PYTHONPATH environmental variable to that you will be able to import the Python modules as if the package was pip-installed.


Assuming that your uses a bash-like syntax, all you have to do is

[lbaldini@pcpi0188 baldaquin]$ source
BALDAQUIN_ROOT -> /home/users/lbaldini/work/baldaquin
PYTHONPATH -> /home/users/lbaldini/work/baldaquin:

from within the root folder of the package.


For windows we provide setup scripts for both the old-good command prompt and for the Windows power shell. In the first case the thing is fairly similar to GNU/Linux:

BALDAQUIN_ROOT -> C:\work\baldaquin
Updated PYTHONPATH -> C:\work\baldaquin;

If you are using the power shell, instead, things might be a little bit more complicated, as it is likely that system is configured to not allow you to run a script unless you specifically ask to do so, and you will need an extra command

PS C:\work\baldaquin> Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
PS C:\work\baldaquin> . .\setup.ps1
BALDAQUIN_ROOT -> C:\work\baldaquin
Updated PYTHONPATH -> C:\work\baldaquin;

Two things worth noticing:

  • dot-sourcing the script (i.e., . .\setup.ps1) is a real thing—if you don’t add the extra dot-space at the beginning of the line, the new environmental variable will only live within the scope of the script, and will not be propagated to the parent shell;

  • the Set-ExecutionPolicy command is the one that let you temporarily execute scripts.

Static analysis#

Static code analyzers help maintaining the codebase consistent and readable, and potentially help catching mistakes and shortcomings.

The top-level Makefile includes specific targets for code analysis/linting, and you should always run it before committing code

[lbaldini@pcpi0188 baldaquin]$ make
ruff check .
All checks passed!
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=100 --statistics
pylint baldaquin \
    --disable too-many-ancestors \
    --disable too-many-arguments \
    --disable too-many-function-args \
    --disable too-many-instance-attributes \
    --disable c-extension-no-member \
    --disable use-dict-literal \
    --disable too-many-positional-arguments \
    --disable too-many-public-methods \

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)

Note that linting is included in our continuous integration, so your pull requests will just fail the tests if you don’t :-)

Compiling the documentation#

The documentation is automatically compiled on github pages whenever a pull request is merged on the main branch.

You can compile the documentation locally by just typing

[lbaldini@pcpi0188 baldaquin]$ make html

Creating a release#

We have a small tool helping with the release process

[lbaldini@pcpi0188 baldaquin]$ python tools/ --help
usage: [-h] {major,minor,patch}

positional arguments:
{major,minor,patch}  Tag increment mode

-h, --help           show this help message and exit

At this time this is pretty rudimentary, and what it does is simply incrementing a given field of the version identifier, updating the relevant files, pushing to git and creating a tag.

Uploading a release on PyPi is done manually from the github page.