.. baldaquin documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jul 3 11:54:55 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ================================== baldaquin: BALd DAQ User INterface ================================== .. figure:: _static/baldaquin_logo_light.png :width: 180pt :class: only-light :align: right .. figure:: _static/baldaquin_logo_dark.png :width: 180pt :class: only-dark :align: right | baldaquin (or the BALd DAQ User INterface) is an attempt at a general-purpose, modular and reusable data acquisition framework based on modern technologies. (And, before you get *too* excited, baldaquin is just a stub, and chances are that it might never actually turn into something useful.) By the way: :ref:`why baldaquin? ` baldaquin strives at providing, in a simple fashion, the typical components of an event-driven data acquisition system: a :ref:`run control `, a logbook, extensive logging, :ref:`configuration `, :ref:`time-keeping `, data-archival and test report capabilities, as well as a slick graphical user interface, with the idea that the user can then combine these capabilities and tailor them to their application. .. toctree:: :caption: Overview :maxdepth: 2 about install technologies release_notes api develop .. toctree:: :caption: Projects :maxdepth: 2 plasduino